"September 1st place" SSG's scary background, until the end of hope for 5th place, "Players run with all their might to die..."I'll win the final round no matter what"

"September 1st place" SSG's scary background, until the end of hope for 5th place, "Players run with all their might to die..."I'll win the final round no matter what"

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The professional baseball team SSG Landers eventually dragged the fight for fifth place to the final game of the season. As a strong team in autumn, it was closely followed by fifth-ranked KT with a strong sense of hindsight.메이저사이트

SSG, led by head coach Lee Soo-yong, beat Hanwha Eagles 6-2 in the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League at Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon on the 28th.

The sixth-ranked SSG, which posted its monthly best record of 12 wins, five losses and one draw (winning rate of .706) in September alone, recorded 71 wins, 70 losses and two draws (winning rate of .504). The team won the final match against Kiwoom in Suwon 10-6 on the day, maintaining a 0.5-game gap with the fifth-ranked KT (72-70-2 draw rate of .507).

If SSG wins the match against Kiwoom in Munhak on Thursday, it will tie KT in a tiebreaker for the first time in the history of fifth place. In this case, a one-off match will take place at Suwon on October 1. If SSG wins this match, it will beat KT to grab the last train ticket of the fall baseball in fifth place. SSG is in a situation where it has to win both games. It is not easy, but it is good because it is simple to calculate.

If SSG had lost the game on the day, it could have confirmed its elimination from the postseason. I was nervous when starting pitcher Kim Kwang-hyun gave up two runs first in the bottom of the first inning, but it didn't collapse. Kim won all of the last three games of this season by allowing three hits, four walks, six strikeouts and two runs during five ⅓ innings. It was his 12th win of this season, and his career-high 170 wins.

Roh Kyung-eun, who confirmed the oldest hold king (40 years old), was the key to saving the team. Coming up from the crisis with one out and runners on the second and third bases in the bottom of the sixth inning when the team was trailing 3-2, Noh struck out Lee Jae-won and Ha Joo-seok in succession to save Kim Kwang-hyun's victory and the team in crisis at the same time. Noh Kyung-eun, who was in charge until the bottom of the seventh inning, won the 38th hold of this season by pitching one hit and four strikeouts in one ⅔ inning.

In the batting lineup, table setters Park Sung-han and Jung Joon-jae played three hits, one RBI, one walk, and three hits and two RBIs in four times at bat, making a total of seven runs. Guillermo Herredia also played two hits, one RBI, one walk, and Oh Tae-gon also played two hits and two runs in four times at bat. In the bottom of the third inning, Oh Tae-gon showed his fighting spirit to catch a foul fly by hitting An Chi-hong's pitch to the first base dugout. Closer Cho Byung-hyun earned his 11th save of the season with three strikeouts and no runs in one ⅔ inning.

After the game, SSG coach Lee Soo-yong said, "(Kim) Kwang-hyun pitched well without losing a point even though he lost the first two points. Congratulations on your 170th win in your career. And (Roh) Kyung-eun and (Cho) Byung-hyun also did a great job," adding, "For the fielder, (Oh) Tae-gon played an active role in offense and defense. And table setters (Park) Sung-han and (Jeong) Jun-jae made three hits, leading the offense."

"Players are playing with their utmost efforts. Please support our fans till the end. We will prepare well for the last game of the regular season on the day after tomorrow (30th)."

SSG shortstop Park Sung-han, who led the team to victory with the fourth base game as the first leadoff, also said, "The team is in the middle of a ranking fight until the end of the season, and all the players did their part better than my personal performance, so I was able to win. I feel good because I contributed to the team's victory," adding, "I focused on getting on base more than anything because I played as the first hitter today. I was lucky to have a good hit today, and I feel good to be able to score and score RBIs when the team needs to."

Park Sung-han, who is leading SSG's September counterattack by batting .459 (17 hits in 37 times at bat) with one home run and seven RBIs in 10 recent games, said, "Actually, I didn't feel good about hitting before then. The batting coaches talked a lot and helped me a lot in training so that I could get better. Thank you. I'm glad that my team's batting performance increased at an important time," adding, "I think I have to win the last game unconditionally, and I will do my best to unite all the players."

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